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Amber the Calico Cat

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Merry Christmas Tripawds!!!

Merry Christmas from Amber and I! Wishing all our fellow tripawds a safe and happy holiday! As you can see Amber enjoyed the box much more than the little dress I put her in!

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So Many Reasons to be Thankful

I hope all my fellow Tripawds had an amazing Thanksgiving! Amber is officially past her 2 week post-op milestone! She is doing great and continues to amaze me every day. I am happy to report that her biopsy came back and there was “no evidence of cancer near the margins” and “little to no chance […]

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Update: 1 Week Post-Op

I think I may just be blessed with one of the most amazing cats ever! Amber is doing great one week post-op! There have been virtually no issues so far during recovery and even one week in, I have not noticed any pain signals or phantom limb pain from her. We also have enjoyed many […]

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Day 1 Post-Op: Enjoying Belly Rubs

As Day 1 after Amber’s surgery comes to a close, I am no longer feeling any regret. It has given me a lot of hope witnessing how strong and resilient she has been! Tonight, she rolled on her back for a belly rub and purred away. It was such a sweet moment!

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Home From Surgery and on the Road to Recovery

  Amber is officially home from surgery!!! YAY!!! Things seem to be going quite well so far. The surgical site was not nearly as jarring as I thought it would be. That was definitely a fear of mine. I was nervous that the I would find the surgery site hard to look at and that […]

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