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Amber the Calico Cat

Update: 1 Week Post-Op

I think I may just be blessed with one of the most amazing cats ever! Amber is doing great one week post-op! There have been virtually no issues so far during recovery and even one week in, I have not noticed any pain signals or phantom limb pain from her. We also have enjoyed many post-surgery cuddles. While it sounds a little cheesy, I am truly cherishing the time I spend with her right now.

There have only been a few kinks and they were human error only.

The morning after her first day home, I panicked for a minute because I couldn’t remember if her Buprenorphine could be given at the same time as the Gabapentin. Luckily, the specialist I took her to has an emergency department and they were able to advise me.

I also think I am giving up on the onesie idea. The first set I ordered fit waist-wise but were way too short. After buying a larger size that could have worked, I realized that due to the incision being too close to her tail, I would not be able to have it cover the entire incision and create a tail-hole large enough to not restrict bathroom capabilities.

The other mishap I had was I accidentally gave her a dose of Gabapentin when she was actually due for Buprenorphine. It was totally my fault and it was likely a result of being tired after working a full shift.   In a panic, I called her veterinarian. Luckily, there were no major consequences for my mistake. She was just a little extra sleepy that night. I definitely have been MUCH more careful since then.

Another thing I want to note is the reaction of other people. I hear a lot of “ohhh poor thing.” I actually make an effort to correct them and tell them how great she is doing by showing them pictures and videos of her progress. I haven’t given Amber any pity since she came home. I honestly think my positive attitude has kept her spirits up and has contributed to her recovery process.

Here is a video from today! Her walking and movement has improved exponentially! I could not be happier! The weird, gaspy sounds you hear are actually her meows. She can meow fully (usually if she is crying for attention or is mad we are taking her to the vet), but often when she is happy and content her meows will only come out half way. Its a quirk she has had ever since she was a kitten and I absolutely love it about her.

Amber getting close and personal!



While I have generally kept her away from stairs, she was feeling rather daring on Tuesday and went up AND down a few stairs before I caught her. Much to my surprise, she had no issues here!



All in all I couldn’t be more happy how well she is progressing and I look forward to her continue to amaze me. I expect the biopsy results to be returned this week and will update then!

2 Comments so far

  1.   benny55 on November 21st, 2020          Reply

    I’be been catching up all of Amber’s progress and posts! Jist now getting a moment to respond and basically say YAAAAY FOR AMBER👍👍

    She really, really, really is having an extraordinary recovery! And I agree that your pawsitve attitude has been important to her healing. Good job on that.

    Amber is such a pretty kitty. The favor part of her blogs is getting to see her pretty self! And she’s wal loke she been on three all jer life!

    Had to chuckle at your “mishaps”. Although I. Sure it wasn’t funny about the meds “mishap”, but the onesie trial and error had me chuckling. Visualized Amber not enjoying trying on all the fashions!!

    Tha ks for all the updates on sweet Amber. She is such an inspawration to anyone starting g this journey.

    Sally and Alumni Happy Hannah and Merry Myrtle and Frankie too!

  2.   jerry on November 22nd, 2020          Reply

    Amber looks like she’s doing really really well! Don’t beat yourself up for those little glitches, we’ve all made them. The important thing is that she is moving along in recovery without any complications. AND she is showing the naysayers that life on 3 is no big deal to her. She’s already an ambassador for the community! Thank you so much for sharing her with us so we can spread the word to even more people.

    I hope you are getting your rest too, you deserve it!

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